Kelowna Optometrist Explains the Importance of a Back To School Eye Exam

Kelowna Optometrist Explains the Importance of a Back To School Eye Exam

For many families, the start of September is like the start of a new year. Summer is ending, the air is getting crisper, and if you have kids, they’re headed back to school once again.

If you’re like most parents, you want your kids to have every opportunity to succeed and do their best in school. Part of making sure they have the best opportunity to learn is making sure they can see properly. This may seem obvious, but many children go years with children’s eyesight problems that go undetected.

Back To School Optometry

A lot of a child’s grade can be determined through their eyesight. We’ve heard countless stories of children’s grades taking an incredible leap once they’ve had an eye exam to determine if they need glasses.

Many parents have also reported their children’s behaviour improves after an eye test. Take Susan, for example. Her grades had room for improvement, and she regularly got in trouble for talking during class and distracting other students.

kelowna optometry back to school eye exam

However, after a back to school eye exam, there was a night and day difference in her grades and behaviour. When asked why she had such a shift, she claimed she couldn’t see the whiteboard from where she sat and she was asking other students to read the board out loud for her.

Once she had a proper eye exam, she was able to see the whiteboard properly and her school performance improved dramatically. 

Back to School Eye Exam

Children’s eyesight problems, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness, can go undetected for too long if left unchecked. This September, we encourage you to book a back to school optometry exam for your children with a Kelowna Optometrist. 

Our trained and friendly staff here at iSight Optometry would be more than happy to check for any issues with your children’s eyesight development.

If your child needs glasses, it could make an incredible difference in their school performance.

If you have kids headed back to school this year, we encourage you to book an eye exam with your Kelowna optometrist today. We’d be happy to answer any questions you may have and help your children have their best year of school yet.

Book an appointment with iSight Optometry.