Importance of Optomap Retinal Imaging

Traditional methods of eye exams, such as dilation, are often found to be uncomfortable and the least favourite part of a routine check up. At iSight Optometry, we are proud to provide you with a unique alternative to this during your retinal exam- Introducing the Optomap!

About the Optomap

Optomap’s technology takes an ultra-widefield retinal image capturing 80% more of your retina in one panoramic view as opposed to the 15% captured by older practices. There is no touching of your eyes since it only requires a simple look into the device; photographing your retinas, one eye at a time, the imaging process takes only 1/4th of a second after your eye has been properly positioned. A quick and soft flash of light will signal that the image has been taken and you will be able to review your image with your optometrist right away. The Optomap provides you and your doctor the ability to make the most informed decisions about your eye health and overall well-being without the worry of invasive examination methods.

What it provides

The Optomap should become apart of your routine eye exam as it provides your optometrist with the capability to grant you a more comprehensive examination including the following:

• A permanent record of your file, allowing your doctor to review your past images and look for changes.
• Early detection of common signs diseases, such as glaucoma, diabetes, macular degeneration, and even cancer.
• Punctual prevention for vision impairment or blindness.

Who is a candidate

Almost everyone is a good candidate for the Optomap Retinal Eye Exam. However, the best candidates are as follows:

• Patients that can’t or do not want to be dilated.
• Children.
• Anyone with a history of eye problems such as diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma.
• Those with high light sensitivity.

You may have seen our past article about the Optomap, but seeing as we’ve been getting a lot of inquiries about this technology we wanted to remind everyone how Optomap Retinal Imaging can make your eye exam easier and more extensive. We’re happy to offer you this special machinery as most clinics will not be about to provide you with it. Generally, we recommend to have an Optomap done each time you come in for your exam, but ultimately this decision should be made by your doctor.

We hope to see you at iSight soon, so contact us today and book an Optomap Retinal Imaging with your next eye examination.