
Read more on Kelowna Eye Care: Get Your Eyes Checked Before Winter Vacation!
TagsEye Care, News, Optometry Advice
Kelowna Eye Care: Get Your Eyes Checked Before Winter Vacation!

  The chillier temperatures have many people thinking about winter vacation. Your Kelowna eye care specialists at iSight Optometry want to help you enjoy clear vision today and always. Booking an eye checkup and vision testing before your trip is essential. Optimum eye health can ensure that you are seeing and reading clearly. You don’t…

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Read more on What Are the Effects of Wearing Wrong Prescription Glasses?
TagsEye Care, News, Optometry Advice
What Are the Effects of Wearing Wrong Prescription Glasses?

It’s good to be aware of the effects of wearing wrong prescription glasses. Wearing the wrong prescription glasses won’t damage your eyes but can cause unnecessary discomfort. If you’ve never worn glasses before, you may not know any different and think feeling dizzy while wearing glasses is normal—the good news is, it’s not. However, when…

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Read more on Stem Cells May Cure Cataracts and Restore Sight in the Future
TagsEye Care, News, Optometry Advice
Stem Cells May Cure Cataracts and Restore Sight in the Future

Double vision, blurry vision, sensitivity to light and glare, difficulty seeing at night, and fading of colours. These signs may indicate cataract symptoms. While these symptoms may not seem severe and could be mistaken for common vision problems of nearsightedness or farsightedness, they could be an indication of cataracts. Cataracts forming in the eye can lead…

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Read more on New Acuvue Transition Contacts
TagsEye Care, News
New Acuvue Transition Contacts

Summertime is right around the corner here in the Okanagan! While we believe it’s important to protect your eyes all year round, sunny days pose a challenge for contact lens wearers. The sun hits your face, and your immediate reaction is to squint, right? Not if you’re wearing Acuvue’s Transition Contacts.   These innovative new contact lenses could…

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